Ragdoll Cats info:

The Ragdoll cat has a very gentle and relaxed temperament and affectionate nature. They got the name Ragdoll from the common perception that these cats go virtually limp and relax when picked up, unlike most other cats.
Ragdolls are sometimes called “puppy-cats” because of their inclination to follow their owners from room to room and meet them at the door. They are an intelligent breed and easily learn tricks like Fetch or Beg, and to use a scratching post. The gentle Ragdoll is also good with children and is easy to introduce into a multi-pet household.

Ragdoll cats are sweet-faced and muscular, with an overall impression of elegance and balance.
Ragdolls are commonly described as large, fluffy, floppy cats with broad chests and large blue eyes. Most Ragdoll kittens are born completely white and start developing color one to two weeks after birth and continue developing color until 2 years of age.
The semi long coat on Ragdolls is plush and silky like rabbit fur, and it sheds very little; therefore, they rarely have hairballs. The Ragdoll is a pointed breed, which means that the body is lighter in color than the points (the face, legs, tail and ears). All Traditional Ragdolls have blue eyes.

There are three standard patterns (color-point, mitted, and bi-color) and six official colors (seal, blue, chocolate, lilac, red(flame) and cream) and can come in any combination of these colors and patterns.
A seal point has dark brown/black points, with a light tan body color. Similar to Siamese coloring.
A chocolate point is a “dilute” version of seal (the recessive); it has milk chocolate-colored points and an ivory color body.

A blue point has dark gray/blue points, with a frosty light-gray/silvery body color.
A lilac point is the “dilute” version of the blue (the recessive); it has pinkish-gray points, with a frosty white body color.
A flame point has dark orange points and a white body.
A cream point is the “dilute” version of the red (the recessive); it has very light orange/ivory points and a white body.

A seal tortie has cream swirled in with the seal point color, showing “patches” of seal rather than solid seal on the points.
A blue tortie has cream swirled in with the blue point color.
A color-point has dark points, with a lighter shade on the body. They have no white markings.
A mitted has the same points as the color-point, with the exception of having pure white “mitts” on the front paws and “boots” on the back legs, as well as a stripe of white fur on the underside, from the under-edge of the chin, along belly, to base of tail.

A bi-color has dark pointed ears, mask, and tail (like the color-point), but it has a pink nose and an upside- down “V” shape of white over the nose (in the mask).
A tortie point has random “patches” of the point color (usually seal) along with swirls of cream or red.
A lynx point has tabby markings mixed in with the color-point, mitted, or bi-color pattern.